In January, CoBe participated in 5 Workshops with the inhabitants of Vitry concerned by the NPRU project. In order to reach as many people as possible, the meetings took place under a tent, directly at the feet of the residences concerned, around a soup or coffee.
CoBe has been supporting the town of Vitry-sur-Seine for more than four years now in its urban renewal project for the heart of the town. The area constitutes a highly inhabited and practised territory, at the heart of a territory in movement whose dynamism will be fully reinforced in the years to come. The major metropolitan projects will have to provide a lever for developing the neighbourhoods that make it up, creating economic dynamics and greatly improving the quality of life.
Project Contractor
City of Vitry-sur-Seine
Project Manager
CoBe Urbanisme & Paysage
Le Sens de la Ville / SEMISE / URBANIS / BERIM / Notaries / Techniques
TOPO / BS Consultants / SBPC (lot 2)
Studies and Project Management Assistance for the pre-operational implementation of the New Urban Renovation Project of the Centre-Ville/Capra/Robespierre sector - Urban and programmatic section.
Urban renewal – 165 ha
Dates 2016- Study on progress