Located at the junction of Rue Pierret, Rue des Gravières and Avenue De Charles de Gaulle in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the site is surrounded by shops and car traffic. It is not a question of reproducing but rather of inventing a new form of neighbourhood that can extend these urban experiences and bring out a singularity that makes the most of Neuilly.
The most interesting feature of the project is its condition of passage, its interaction with the urban space, its ability to move from the public to the collective, and its capacity to be crossed. Through the faults, openings, and the design of the exterior spaces, we introduced the idea that there is a fair transparency that guarantees the urban character while at the same time staging the plant as a link in the architecture. The green spaces are located between, in and on the roofs of the buildings. The material and treatment of the facade of each building goes beyond the purely architectural function of enveloping the contents and managing the interface with the exteriors. The façades participate in the sensitive image of the place, they become spaces for narration. Thus, our challenge was to create an identity on a micro scale while enhancing the heritage.
Perspective Golem
Reference Sheet
Contracting authority
Project Manager
De Cussac Agency, CoBe, Tequi
300 housing units, a media library and a municipal technical centre
62 M€ HT