28 homes - L'île-Saint-Denis (93)

Écoquartier Fluvial – Parcelle PB5

Le projet se compose de trois bâtiments implantés sur l’îlot PB5 de la ZAC l’Écoquartier fluvial de l’île-Saint-Denis portée par Plaine Commune Développement.

CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis

L’îlot PB5 est conçu comme un îlot de verdure, un square au centre d’un quartier s’élevant jusqu’au R+7, de sorte que les limites visuelles de cet îlot particulier viennent aux pieds des bâtiments environnants et profitent de l’espace public périphérique à l’îlot.

CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis
CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis
CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis

The location of the buildings at 45° to the surrounding urban fabric and the low density of the PB5 plot, give it a special character. There is no street alignment, so that the fringes of the plot offer green spaces to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. The 28-unit program is divided into three blocks of respectively 8, 9 and 11 units . In the centre of the plot, a common space for is liberated for all residents. It offers various uses for a good neighbourhood life. This community character is reinforced by the presence of a 20 m² common room located on the ground floor, intended either for private and occasional use or for regular collective use.

The project is in concrete structure and wood frame facades. The architectural composition is translated into facades by the base and its wooden cladding, and the heights and its metal cladding.

CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis
CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis
CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis
CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis
CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis
CoBe - Fluvial eco-district housing - L'île-Saint-Denis

Reference sheet

RT 2012
Timber frame façade

Contracting authority

CoBe Mission
Complete architectural mission
and project management of public spaces

Construction de 28 logements collectifs,
jardins privatifs et espaces verts partagés au RDC,
1 salle commune et 2 abris vélos

1 909 m² SDP

3.1 M€ HT

Luc Boegly

Delivered in 2019