New Premises for CoBe Exé Pole

167, rue du Château 75014 PARIS
167, rue du Château 75014 PARIS
On September the 29th 2018
carried by Demathieu Bard Immobilier...
Presentation of the Project - Quartier Empalot îlot MG3
Launch of the marketing of future housing in the "Les Pantinoises" district, located on the former ASPP site in Pantin. By 2021-2022, 6 housing lots, 6,000 m² of public spaces and an office programme as well as facilities will be available...
Building Permit filed
Start of phase 1 of the construction site...
"Working together in search of a family resemblance..."
What record is CoBe Pôle Exé ready to beat in order to recruit its future site managers?