Six social housing landlords (Domaxis, OPDHLM 92, I3F, Toit & Joie, SEMABA, Domnis) share the flat stone, a district of 2,500 dwellings spread over 26 hectares built in the 1950s and 1960s. Although it concentrates 20% of the town's population, it is isolated and cut off from the rest of the municipality. Several factors explain this situation: the western boundary of the district is drawn by the Bagneux cemetery, developing a fence over more than a kilometre, the northern boundary is drawn by the fort, two enclaves that have interrupted the road network and connections to neighbouring cities.
The arrival of two metro lines will give the whole sector a new dynamic. In 2019, the district will be connected to the centre of Paris by line 4, a radial service that should be completed by the metro planned as part of the Grand Paris development. In 2012, CoBe won the consultation to draw up a master plan for the urban project around the two new metro stations (line 4 and line 15). The project takes advantage of the arrival of the infrastructure to recreate the missing pole of centrality in the flat stone district and allows it to be repositioned in the North district of Bagneux. A square will be created above the underground station of metro line 4. It is located so as to be crossed by the Avenue Victor Hugo, a road opened following the Cornudet plan, which in 1925 gave its urban dimension to this orchard plateau. The new square brings the shops essential to metropolitan life. It is also the point of convergence of new soft links participating in the redefinition of the open spaces of the district. Wedged between bars and towers, the green spaces of the district appear as residual spaces and are little used. Their redevelopment will go hand in hand with the requalification of public facilities, which will acquire a visibility more in keeping with their status.
Photographs Luc Boegly
Reference Sheet
Contracting authority
Bagneux Town Hall
Project manager