Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne (77)

Family housing, Intergenerational residence, Offices, Business premises

Le lot B1 s’inscrit dans le cadre de la démarche nationale ”Ville de demain” portée par le Plan Investissement d’Avenir. Cette nouvelle ÉcoCité doit relever le défi d’un lieu de vie agréable et ouvert, aménagé autour des voies ferrées du RER A.

Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne (77)

Lot B1 is located within the ZAC La Haute Maison in the town of Champ-sur-Marne, near the future multimodal hub of the Grand Paris Noisy/Champ. The project of approximately 30,000 sq.m includes family housing, offices, shops and a day nursery. It is designed to forge new links between the Descartes cluster and the neighbouring residential districts, which are currently disconnected and isolated on both sides of the railway infrastructure. This ambition is driven by a logic of mutualisation of spaces. (Conciergerie in the Lot, Coworking, shared gardens, company restaurant open to residents, guest room, rooftop, 5 senses walk, work of art, recycling collection service ...) and relayed as part of a consultation process. An architectural, urban and landscaped project, lot B1 is also the support of an applied research approach, enabling the implementation of proven environmental solutions through simulations (sunshine, aeraulics and venturi effect, access to view, urban microclimate, vibrations...). To develop these innovations, partners such as Elithis and Urban Practices, Linkcity, Bouygues Bâtiment IDF, RATP and CSTB are involved alongside EPA Marne.

Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne (77)
Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne (77)

Reference sheet

Contracting authority

Project managment
CoBe, Tolila + Gilliland

Logements familiaux (16 900 m²)
Résidence intergénérationnelle (6 000 m²)
Bureaux (4 800 m²) – Locaux d’activités (2 700 m²)

45 M€ HT

BBC Effinergie, BREEM Very Good, HQE Excellent,
Biosourced level 1, NF habitat HQE

The eye of the pigeon

Scheduled delivery in 2021