Victorien Diaz

Victorien Diaz

First stone in Porto

porto foundation stone

On 15 September, CoBe's Portuguese teams and their partners celebrated the laying of the foundation stone for our 3* hotel project in Porto, designed with Eiffage Immobilier!

The Laherrère centre takes shape

pole laherrère pau

Scheduled for completion in February 2023, the mixed-use project at the Laherrère centre is already proving a big hit with the press! Find out more about the project and some of the articles published about it.

Offices to let - Bordeaux Gare Saint-Jean

CoBe - offices for rent Bordeaux gare Saint-Jean

CoBe is renting a 210m² office space with a 42m² mezzanine and 97m² shared common areas, located in the ZAC Saint-Jean Belcier in Bordeaux, close to the Saint-Jean train station. The offices are located on the first floor of a...

The FFP at CoBe Paris

CoBe welcomes the FFP

☘ Yesterday evening we had the pleasure of hosting the General Meeting of the Ile-de-France FFP (Fédération Française du Paysage) on our premises, providing an opportunity to discuss the themes of the Palette Végétale résiliente and the new fascicule35 on landscaping,...

Start of construction work in Bordeaux

Cobe Armagnac Sud in Bordeaux,

🏗 🌳 The Armagnac Sud development in Bordeaux is off to a flying start, with CoBe Bordeaux's main contractors keeping a very close eye on the progress! Located on plot 8.16 in the Armagnac Sud sector of the Saint-Jean Belcier mixed development zone, close to the railway station,...