Champs-sur-Marne (77) - City of Tomorrow - Lot B1- Cité Descartes

The partnership between EPAMARNE and LINKCITY Ile de France has been selected to carry out several innovation actions on lot B1 of ZAC de la Haute Maison in Champs sur Marne. These innovation actions will be the subject of engineering studies and will be implemented as part of a complete architectural and landscape project management mission.

This integrative project is composed of : 
15,000 m² SDP of family quarters
offices office space
3,200 m² SDP of business premises, shops, services, restaurants, etc.

Project Contrator Linkcity
Project Manager CoBe Architecture contractor, Urbanism and Landscape Tolila + Gilliland architect / Franck Boutté bet Environment
Tolila + Gilliland architect co-contractor / Franck Boutté bet Environnement