Les Docks - Saint-Ouen (93)

Construction of a 160-room student residence

Plot R10AB, located in the Seine sector, is a key component of the new ZAC des Docks in Saint-Ouen, in northern Paris. Situated at the head of a series of developments along Rue Pierre, the plot is primarily intended for the banks of the Seine and the new Diagonal Park. Lot R10AB comprises two condominiums, one provided by the Hamonic-Masson agency to the north, and a second designed by the CoBe agency.

CoBe - Docks Saint-Ouen

The R+8 building on plot R10A, designed by CoBe, will house a student residence with 160 rooms and 300m² of communal areas on the ground floor. The project divides the volume horizontally into three parts by changing the colours and railings. The cladding used is facing brick, the colour of which changes vertically towards the sky, from darker to lighter.

A shared ramp, located within the student residence and accessible from Rue Pierre, provides access to the car park for each lot, independently on one level for the residence and two levels for the family homes of the Hamonic-Masson agency.

CoBe - Docks Saint-Ouen
CoBe - Docks Saint-Ouen

Reference sheet

Contracting authority

Project managment
CoBe, Vé Paysage

CoBe Mission
Complete architectural mission

Construction of a 160-room student residence,
330 m² of communal areas , 27 underground parking spaces

4 270 m²


Delivery 2025