La grande Borne - Grigny (91)

Redevelopment of public spaces in the Grande Borne district

CoBe - Public spaces Grigny La Grande Borne

This project, delivered in 2018, shows our ability and willingness to work on our designs while listening carefully to our users.

The project to redevelop the outdoor areas of the Grande Borne neighbourhood has led to the creation of a large landscaped park, in close consultation with the population.

The problem of developing the Central Plain and its meanders lies in the collective reappropriation of the space by its inhabitants, who have been involved in the project since its conception. This consultation process, associated with the project management studies, allows for better appropriation and makes it possible to encourage co-production with groups of inhabitants and associations.

CoBe - Public spaces Grigny La Grande Borne

Reference sheet

Contracting authority
Les Lacs de l'Essonne" agglomeration community,

CoBe Mission
Project management of public spaces and urban consultation

Requalification of public spaces in the Grande Borne district of Grigny.
Creation of a large landscaped park, two citystadiums and a synthetic pitch,
as well as a multi-sports area and an outdoor fitness area

3 M€ HT

Delivered in 2017