Architecture Masterprize : CoBe wins !

A new distinction for our project rue de Ridder in Paris! We are the lucky winners of the Architecture MasterPrize 2021 in the categories Renovation and Social Housing....
A new distinction for our project rue de Ridder in Paris! We are the lucky winners of the Architecture MasterPrize 2021 in the categories Renovation and Social Housing....
On Saturday 16 October the teams of CoBe Bordeaux and Trouillot Hermel Paysagistes presented the guide plan for the Champs-Pinson site in Nieul-sur-Mer...
CoBe is continuing its urban and landscape action in the Paris La Défense district.
On the occasion of the Journées Nationales de l'Architecture, CoBe opens its doors on 16 and 17 October 2021 and invites you to visit its new premises at 30 boulevard Saint-Jacques in Paris. Do not hesitate to come and say hello!
We are very pleased to be one of the 8 finalists with the Galia Group for the International Prize for Office to Residential Conversion....
Our mixed project for the Laherrère centre in Pau has been selected for the Trophées des Entreprises Publiques Locales in the Sustainable Building category!
Our social residence project on rue de Ridder in the 14th arrondissement of Paris is a finalist in the "Renovation" category of The Plan Awards 2021.
Faithful to the 14th district of the capital, CoBe has chosen to gather all its teams and all its skills in one place of creation.
Acceptance of the first phase of the redevelopment of public spaces of the Cœur de Ville project in Epinay-sous-Sénart.
In the heart of Mont-de-Marsan, a mixed programme of offices, hotels, shops, activities and student accommodation will be built on the site of the Nouvelles Galeries and their former warehouse.