CoBe Finalist of the Reinventing Cities Call for Projects - Bobigny (93)

MBK² | Make Bobigny the Key to Knowledge 

CoBe - MBK site - Bobigny 3
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The MBK² project, which is porous and open to both eyes and passageways, is freeing itself from its past of isolation by linking the city to the canal, the metro to the TZen, the suburban area to the dense city, Bobigny to Romainville and Noisy-le-Sec. Thanks to the landscaping and the innovative and sustainable treatment of the buildings, it now stands out in the skyline of the canal, which it punctuates to good effect and gives a strong visual identity to the Ourcq plainS. MBK² thus contributes to writing the future of the Zac Ecocité by offering an unprecedented intensity of activities : living, working, having fun, engaging in outdoor and sports activities, moving around, producing and consuming, with family, neighbours, colleagues and local residents.

Contracting authority Demathieu Bard Immobilier and Coffim Team CoBe (architect-urban planner-landscape coordinator), Tatiana Bilbao Estudio (architect), Enia architects (architect), Readymake (architect), Arp-Astrance (Programme & AMO HQE) | Investors, managers Sogaris (urban logistics), Veolia (management of water and energy treatment, maintenance and upkeep, waste), Avec Invests (shops), Ancoats (temporary occupation and cultural activities), Fraveillance (management of crèche and co-living accommodation), La Sauge (urban agriculture), Critical Building (data centre) Program 180 housing units | 1 student residence with 100 rooms | 1 hotel | Shops | Day care centres | Offices | Sports and educational facilities | Water treatment plant | Data Centre

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